There is room to accommodate up to thirty students in grade 7-12.


The student/teacher ratio is 2:1 overall, with many classes typically having 4-6 students.


Nearly all students who graduate with us go on to traditional 4 year colleges.

The Westfield Day School is dedicated to helping children in grades 7 through 12 overcome educational and personal obstacles through a combination of academic and emotional support. Our combined support program set in a friendly, nurturing school environment engages student’s strengths and minimizes the debilitating effects of prior school failure or underachievement. Our motto, “Linking Education and Emotional Support” conveys a sense of purposeful action on behalf of all who come to Westfield for help, regardless of the nature of their difficulties.

All students are encouraged to participate in our mutually supportive school community; a community that is warm, welcoming and interested in what is unique to all of us as individuals and what unites us as human beings.

Small Classes

Individual Attention

A Supportive Community

Individual and Group Therapy

Visit school

1 North Greenwich Road
Armonk, New York 10504

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Online application

Click here for application

Hear From Our Parents and Teachers


Mr. Chris Thomas, SAID


Westfield offers students a place to reflect. This reflection gives them an opportunity to figure out the best way to complete school tasks and find out who they are and how to utilize that newly found revelation.

Mrs. Lauretta Haugh,​ SAID


Teaching at Westfield Day school is truly rewarding. The therapeutic atmosphere allows for teachers to meet students where they are academically, emotionally and socially. The small group setting enables students to learn at their own pace, in their own unique way.

Maria V, SAID


An advantage that Westfield offers is its small classes, its overall small physical size, and the resulting close and familiar interactions between students and staff. Westfield students are rarely, if ever, outside the orbit of a trained clinical observer, whether they are in or out of the classroom.

Joli G,​ SAID


Westfield Day School’s individualized program has truly supported my child’s needs academically, emotionally and socially. The teachers have taken the time to learn what works for him and, as a result of their caring and thoughtful nature, he has begun to embrace learning, friendships and happiness. The gentle and kind environment of the school has allowed my son to be available to learn for the first time and he feels comfortable to begin friendships with his peers.Westfield has changed our lives as my son is learning and happy.

Why choose us

The emphasis on teaching as a helping relationship linked with therapy in a supportive environment makes The Westfield Day School unique among the specialty schools in the metro New York area. Please click on the video for testimonials from students and staff.

School Hours

  • Monday 9:00 - 2:30
  • Tuesday 9:00 - 2:30
  • Wednesday 9:00 - 2:30
  • Thursday 9:00 - 2:30
  • Friday 9:00 - 2:30
  • Sat-Sun Closed
A Day in the Life

Westfield students arrive on campus at 9:00 and are greeted in the Student Commons by friendly staff members and their friends. After announcements, giving in their lunch orders and organizing their belongings, students move to their first period class. All classes are 45 minutes in duration. There is a built in recess for 12 minutes in the middle of the morning to give students a chance to go outside, shoot some baskets or walk just around the building to refresh their minds.

After the first three periods, there is a lunch break. Students enjoy delicious lunches ordered from the neighboring deli. Kids can be seen playing ball, sitting for a chess game, creating music or art pieces, or just hanging out with their friends.

After lunch there are three more periods with the last period being Physical Education or Group Therapy. In addition to core subjects students may take electives such as music, art, technology and coding. Incorporated in their day twice a week are times to meet with their in school therapist. Students are dismissed to return to their homes in Westchester, Fairfield and Putnam counties. Many are eligible for home-district provided transportation.

PG and Summer Program

The PG program is for students needing extra time to prepare for college, or wanting support in taking local college classes, or needing to make up some high school courses in order to graduate. Our summer program offers up to 5 weeks of credit recovery, enrichment and maintaining academic progress. Many of the students also benefit from continuing in individual therapy while attending the Summer Program.

Quick Facts

Westfield accepts students in grades 7-12 in need of academic and emotional support. The curriculum follows the New York State standards. Our school credits have been recognized in full by local school districts and leads to high school graduation. With a small population of students and a caring and dedicated hand-picked staff, the sense of community in the school is a large part of what creates the "Westfield effect" of lasting change for students.


The Westfield Day School was founded in 2000 in Rye, New York, by Peter M Schoenholtz, LCSW, the owner and current Director of the school. It has operated continuously since then, including during the move from Rye to its current location in Armonk, NY


The school in Armonk, NY, is located centrally in Westchester County. It is on the corner of a main intersection, Route 22 and North Greenwich Rd, and is under a minute by car from exit 3 on Interstate 684 and less than 5 minutes from the border with its neighboring town, Greenwich, CT.


Average NYS Regent Score: 85 (combined subjects)
Average ACT's: 29-35
Colleges attended by our students: NYU, Mt. Holyoke, Connecticut College, Manhattanville College, Pace University, SUNY New Paltz, Adelphi, CUNY Brooklyn, Riverside...



Friday Basketball Challenge

Every Friday afternoon a good number of our students play an energetic game of basketball with some of our staff members

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